
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Idaho works

I have enjoyed my time living in southern Idaho these past five years. The high desert hides a lot of surprising beauty and hidden gems that if you venture a little bit past I84 you will be delighted with some strikingly beautiful places that would be otherwise overlooked. 

The mountain ski resort towns like Ketchum and McCall are charming and delightful, Boise offers some big city excitement, and Shoshone Falls is undeniably an American icon. I hope you enjoy this collection.

Capitol and Main, oil on canvas 6"x8"

Sunday, March 12, 2023

The Next Generation

 My 7 year old son Uriah is following in his dads footsteps. Its very rewarding to see his love for art and I'm thankful that my artwork can be an ongoing inspiration for him as he gets older and gains more skill. He loves Thomas the train and really has a great skill for capturing detail and remembering this detail that he sees. I am really looking forward to his future work!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fall is my favorite

Winter is starting to set in so I wanted to share a collection of plein air paintings from around the Valley and Glacier Park during the brief window of spectacular color called Autumn. It truly is a stunning place all year around, but when the aspens turn gold, followed by the larch trees, words cannot describe the beauty.

Weathering the Storm, 5x7, oil

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Summer House Painting Commissions

Painting people's homes is very rewarding a quite a unique artistic challenge. The personality of the occupants has to be evident in the painting. I use lighting carefully to highlight my focal point in the painting and also spend more time there creating small detail. The peripheries of the painting generally have less contrast, detail and less sharp edges to really focus the viewers attention where I want it. In the case of these two works, the porch/ patio areas are the star attraction with pops of color of the flower beds and long shadows leading your eye in.

Wendy and Mark's 9"x12" oil on canvas

Saturday, February 17, 2018

From the Shores of Kintla progression

This is a three step progression of my most recent painting, 'From the Shores of Kintla' 15"x30". The shores of Kintla Lake offers a stunning view on a picture perfect summer day. It lies in the northwestern most reaches of Glacier Park and requires traversing about 40 miles of gravel and dirt roads along the North Fork of the Flathead River. Just getting there is an adventure I highly recommend.

step 1

Friday, February 2, 2018

Apgar Winter Panorama progression

On a 10 degree December day in Glacier National Park, The last bit of daylight caused the peaks surrounding Lake McDonald glow.

This is a rare sight in winter at Glacier National Park where cloud cover is the norm so my wife and I were thrilled to see this vista on Christmas Day 2017. The bands of light peeking through the clouds created a stunning effect that was truly inspirational. It was too cold to paint on location, but I got a lot of good photo reference so I could create a painting back in the studio.

I have had this 3:1 ratio canvas hanging around the studio for more than a year just waiting for the right subject matter. This was it! Lake McDonald lends itself perfectly to panoramic compositions with its looming pinnacles extending to the periphery of one's view.

I have prints of this painting available at Fine Art America:

The original is available on my website:

Apgar Winter Panorama, oil on canvas, 11"x33"

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Small Portraits

Working with portraits has been a fun and rewarding challenge. I have focused on landscapes for many years, but more recently taken an interest in portrait painting. It is something I studied while at the Academy of Art University so I was able to jump back into it without too much trouble. I am really focusing on not only capturing the likeness of the bride and groom, but the connection between them and the expression that is shown in their facial features, gestures, and hands. Hands are often overlooked in portraiture as they can be challenging to render in a representational way. But I embrace that challenge as hands are very expressive and help tell the 'story' and convey the message you are trying to depict. I look forward to many new portrait commissions in the new year.

Some helpful references have been the books on heads and hands for the artist by Bridgeman. These books really help you see the shapes of the body as they flow one into another so your drawings do not become too stiff.

Heidi and Chandler (mother and son portraits), oil on canvas 8"x8


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Large Paintings of my Wedding

It was a lot of fun revisiting our wedding pictures and spending so much time creating large works of Patti and myself. It was a great way to relive the event which took place over 10 years ago and reflect how truly blessed I am and how I love Patti even more today.

First Dance 24"x30"

The Kiss 24"x36"

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Whitefish and Glacier en Plein Air

My solo show, Whitefish and Glacier en Plein Air, took place at the Walking Man Frame Shop and Gallery during the month of June 2017 in Whitefish Montana. This post includes all of the new work that was featured in the show.  Whitefish is a charming ski village at the foot of Big Mountain Ski Park and is very picturesque. Its culture is strongly interwoven with Glacier National Park and is a great starting point for adventures into the park.

I was working on the show in the spring so much of Glacier National Park was not open. So I created a few studio works based on previously painted plein air works to round out the show, such as 'The Ski Village' and 'North Fork Last Light'. We had a successful show and a great time at the opening reception. Many of the works are still available at the Walking Man, so stop in today.

Fall comes to Whitefish - Original Oil Painting 6"x8"

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Fall's Glory Days

Fall is my favorite season here in the Flathead Valley and in Glacier National Park. The summer heat has subsided and there is a little crispness to the air. I also love the vibrant yellow and gold of the aspens that peak first, and the rustier gold of the tamaracks (which have needles like a pine tree) which peak in late fall. You really have to take advantage of this time as fall is very short and winter sets in quickly.

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to do several plein air paintings at the Diamond B Weddings and Events ranch in lower valley just south of Kalispell. It has sweeping views of the Swan mountains, is situated right on the Flathead River, and has barns and old trucks to paint as well. It is a plein air painters paradise. I am going to display around 10 of these paintings at the Diamond B next year so people having weddings there will have an opportunity to purchase them.

Now that winter is here, I still plan to get out there and do some on location painting, but it is a really good time to focus on commission pieces and larger studio works like the piece 'Rocky Shoreline' which is a commission piece of beautiful McDonald Creek in Glacier National Park. a Montana artist has to roll with the punches that the season dish out.

Rocky Shoreline: 20"x12 Glacier National Park Painting

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

House Oil Paintings and Eastside of Kalispell - Fall 2017

Fall is a great time to paint the historic homes on the East Side. The leaves of the maples that line the streets turn a vibrant yellow orange and create stunning golden tunnels. The leaves that fall to the ground add additional color and texture which is fun to render. The dappled light is fun to paint and there is usually some color left in the flower pots and garden beds.
I painted two commission pieces this fall for East Side residents and I plan pain more next June when the flowers are bloomed and the trees have regained their lost foliage.
In the mean time I hope you enjoy these fun little house oil paintings.

Mary's House 9"x12"

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hockaday Museum Plein Air 2017

These 12 paintings represent my experiences during the Hockaday Museum Plein air 2017 event which included about 30 painters from the western US and beyond painting in Glacier National Park and the Flathead Valley.

The chief Mountain painting was painted in the studio after the event but all the others were painted in plein air.

I spent much of my time on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River which runs along the southern border of Glacier Park. The fall color there was peaking and the light was perfect. It was a great place to set up shop.

Chief Mountain:Dappled Light 5"x7"

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Hockaday Demo

My demo piece I painted at the Hockaday today. It is called 'Downtown Sparkle' 9"x12"
It was a lot of fun with a great turnout and a great group of art lovers who asked great questions. This was painted in a tad over 90 minutes.

'downtown sparkle' oil on canvas 9"x12"

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Hockaday Show

The opening reception for my two man show at the Hockaday Museum with B Rex Stewart was a success.  I have sold three paintings thus far, two of which are large works and Rex has sold several as well.  The show is titled, 'Flathead on Canvas:Small Town Charm to Country side Splendor'. This has been a labor of love for the past year to get together a solid body of work that I feel is my best yet.  I am so very excited to see them displayed in such a top tier venue. Unlike previous shows, I will have several large studio works in addition to small plein airs.  The large works really have a presence and take you into the scene. This is a big honor and I am feeling very blessed to have this opportunity.

I have 40 works on display.  These are the larger works that I created in the last months before the show.

On Exhibit/February 23 — April 29, 2017
Hockaday Museum of Art
Members/Free, Non-members/$10

'A Warm summer Evening: Kalispell'  oil on canvas 24"x30" 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A lot like Christmas

Winter came suddenly and everything is covered in a beautiful white blanket of white snow.  This is a fun season to paint in Montana... if you bundle up.

'Little Mountain Village'  oil on canvas 6"x8" The little Montana hamlet of Bigfork slows down a little bit in the winter, but is still a cozy place to spend an evening out. It is a truly charming place with its street lamps aglow and awnings covered in fresh snow.  After painting this I enjoyed a hot cup of soup at Show Thyme restaurant with the Bigfork couple who purchased this work.  That was a welcome surprise and made the evening very memorable.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Falls Last Hurrah

The transition from fall to winter happens quickly in Montana, so I was very thankful to get a few last paintings of the season with the great vibrant fall color. And now winter is here which is a truly beautiful time of year and fun to paint... as long as you bundle up.

'Couthouse Glow'  oil on canvas 11"x11" The Flathead County Courthouse is one of my favorite buildings in Kalispell, especially all lit up at night. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

to California

We took a little trip down to California this month to visit family and friends.  We spent three days (far too short) in Alturas California, where Patti and I lived for almost a year in 2014, before heading down to the Bay Area..  It was really great to visit and see all the places we frequented in Alturas.  It is truly a hidden gem in California and an inspirational place to paint.

'Eagle Peak Reflections'  oil on canvas 8"x10"  The highest peak in the Warner range provided a great backdrop to the wetlands in the Modoc wildlife Refuge.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Record Rain

I've had to adapt a little bit this month as we got nearly 5 inches of rain in the Flathead Valley which is about five times the normal amount.  I painted a few studio works and was able to sneak out and capture some of the fleeting fall color in between down pours.

'An Evening Out' oil on canvas 11"x14"
Here is another preview painting for the two man show at the Hockaday in Kalispell early next year. I will be creating a series of nocturne city scapes of the towns in the Flathead Valley as a subset of the show.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Umpqua Plein Air 2016

Here are all of the paintings I completed while in Roseburg during the Umpqua Plein Air 2016 event.  I stayed at the Valleys end guesthouse in Umpqua, just 10 miles north of Roseburg.  My host Kevin made me feel very welcome.  The guesthouse sits on 30 acres in the midst of rolling hills and is situated right next to the umpqua River.

I  was in Roseburg 5 days and completed 12 paintings.  The paint out was two days  (sep 15-16) with the quick draw and dinner on the 14th.  The opening reception was saturday the 17th.

I was able to submit 2 works into the main competition one of which got the people's choice and theother got third overall.  Submitted paintings had to be completed on official paint out days.

The result are as follows:
A big congratulations to our 2016 Umpqua Plein Air award winners!!!
1st Place is "North Umpqua Morning Glimmer" by Anna Lancaster
2nd Place is "View from the Boat Ramp" by Jan Barba Horn
3rd Place is "The Early Birds" by Jeff Troupe
4th Place is "Doc Bailey's Farm" by Yong Hong Zhong
5th Place is "Bailey Farm" by Paul Zegers - Artist
People's Choice is "Sundown at the Mill" by Jeff Troupe
Quick Draw Artists' Choice is "Evening Rose" by Paul Zegers

 It was quite an honor to win awards.  It meant a lot to me and I hope to be back next year.

Morning Reclaimed, Oil on Canvas   11"x14" 
This old barn is located in umpqua at the valley's end guesthouse. Such a beautiful place to stay and great hospitality.  This was painted during the first day of the paint out.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Pressing Toward Fall

A hint of Fall chill can be felt in the air and the leaves of the cottonwoods are beginning to show hints of gold, which foreshadow the wonderful fall display to come.

The historic east side neighborhood in Kalispell becomes a truly special place when fall hits and turns the tree lined streets into golden tunnels.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Montana Summer

Summer in Montana is like no other place.  The days are long, the temperature is not too hot, and the air is crystal clear.  It is a plein air painter's paradise.
The Classic View, Oil on Canvas   4"x6" 
The shores of Lake MacDonald in Glacier Park provide stunning vistas of the surrounding peaks including Mount Brown and Mount Vaught and is one of the most recognizable scenes in the park.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Glacier Paint Out 2016

What perfect weather we had in Glacier Park during the four days that I painted.  I stayed till the light dipped behind the horizon on two of the days and wound up creating 12 works, 3 of which sold the night of the reception.  I stuck mainly to the Sun Road this year and focused my efforts on painting rather than driving. I felt I was more consistent this year and am pleased with the works created.  Lake McDonald has been one of my favorite places to paint in the park and the way that the cloud cover created interesting light effect on the mountains made for some fun painting.  I also discovered Avalanche Gorge a few weeks back and returned to capture its beauty on a couple of my canvases.  If was really exited to see the work created by the 29 other participating artists and as good as the show was last year, I felt the overall quality of the show was even higher this year.  The unsold works are available for sale on my site:  http://www.jefftroupefineart.com/originaloils.html   Enjoy!

A Rush to the Bridge:Avalanche Gorge, Oil on Canvas   24"x12" 
The pine trees cling to the cliffs of Avalanche Gorge as filtered afternoon light funnels down through the tree tops.

Friday, June 17, 2016

www.jefftroupefineart.com is now live

My official fine art website www.jefftroupefineart.com is now live and optimized for both mobile and desktop browsers.  The site is an online store where users can buy my artwork directly through me via paypal.  Also, users can commission me to create artwork for their wedding or other custom need. My blogspot blog will still be updated and will serve as a place where you can see all of my paintings including sold works and even sketches and thoughts.

main menu desktop

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Long Days

The summer days is Montana are quite long which offer ample opportunities for plein air painting.  Late spring weather is also unpredictable which makes for a nice variety of lighting situations.

The Foreman
oil on canvas 8"x10"
This construction site came to life in wonderful light and shadow as the arm of the excavator emerged from the shadow framing the foreman.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Oh So Blue

With impossibly blue skies and temps in the 70's, it has been perfect plein air painting weather this last week in Montana.

The Bride and the Groom, Oil on Canvas   6"x8" 

The Bellevue Club is situated on the east end of picturesque Lake Merritt.  It is a five story french style chateau with a stunning grand ballroom and even fine art inspired by Glacier National Park in the lobby.  It is a great place to get married  as my brother Kyle and his wife Samantha can attest to.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Early Spring

Its late February in the Flathead Valley and already spring like weather is here.  Its time to dust off the brushes and get outside again for some new plein air adventures.

The Chamber: study, Oil on Canvas   6"x8" 
This study was completed as reference for the larger painting 'The Chamber'.  The staff at the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce commisioned the larger work for the 20th anniversary of their president.  The light and shadow was fun to paint on this wonderful spring morning.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Persimmon Winter Group Show

Come out to downtown Bigfork to check out Persimmon's winter show.  I have a piece displayed in the show called 'Winter Ready'.  There are endless Christmas gift options for everyone.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Winter Wonderland Show

Come out and check out the show opening night December 4th.  The show will remain up until February.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Back to the Basics

After the marathon of painting all the downtown businesses of Kalispell in plein air, it has been good to get back to the studio a bit and work on some projects that have been put on the back burner.  It has also been fun to do some natural themed works after painting so many buildings.

The Center of Town, Oil on Canvas   5"x7" 
This is a smaller work that I have created in the studio recently for the Art Walk.  The courthouse in downtown Kalispell is quite striking at night.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Featured Artist at Persimmon

Come out to Bigfork next Saturday as I will be the featured artist at Persimmon Gallery at will be there for the opening reception. There will be some nice new fall pieces.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


My first fall in the Flathead region has been a memorable one.  The colors are truly amazing from the gold aspens to the yellow tamaracks.  It has been fun to see the drastic changes from season to season.

Flowers in the Wagon, Oil on Canvas   6"x8" 
I created this little painting this morning to get the dramatic first light. It was a bit cold (about 30 degrees) But felt much colder in the wind. Finished up in the studio.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Downtown Perspective-- Meet the Artisit

It was around the middle of August 2015 when I began this project. I had just recently began showing work at Wild Eye Artistry and had already painted a few of the local businesses and historical homes in Kalispell's East Side neighborhood. Rick, owner of Wild Eye Artistry, thought it might be a good idea to paint a few street scenes outside the gallery to engage people and direct them toward my work at the gallery. After a few of these initial paintings were complete, Rick suggested that I paint all of them and we could have a show. I figured I'd need about two months to complete the project. So with the deadline of October 8th, I was off to the races. Little did I know that there would be over 50 paintings in the show and I would be putting the finishing touches on the final painting the morning of the 8th.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Downtown Perspective

This is my latest project in which I will be painting all the local businesses on Main Street in downtown Kalispell.  The idea is to have around 50 paintings ready to show at Wild Eye Artistry Gallery at 328 Main Street in Kalispell.  47 have been completed thus far.  Rick Green, owner of Wild Eye Artistry,  and I will have a reception for the business owners October 8th from 5pm-9pm.  For everyone else, you can stop by anytime to see all the works that have been completed in person and the show will remain up until October 23th.

Dusk on Main, Oil on Canvas   15"x30" 
This studio piece is a more fully realized version of the small study. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Glorious Summer

Columns on Sixth, Oil on Canvas   10"x8" 

This stately home in Kalispell's East Side, has a wonderfully charming entryway with stone columns and flower studded porch. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Painting the Town

I'm continuing along with my urban and architectural themed paintings.  I'm enjoying capturing the charm that the classic downtowns of the region boast.

Theatrical Color, Oil on Canvas   8"x6" 
The little theater in downtown Bigfork boasts a host of colorful flowers and is decorated with several colorful posters on the exterior.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Fourth

I spent a bit of time in Kalispell's classic and charming Eastside neighborhood painting more intimate portraits of the stately homes.  Many were decked out with American flags and other decor in hone of Independence Day.

Classic Fourth, Oil on Canvas   8"x10" 

The hanging basket of white flowers glowed in the mid day sun on the porch of this classic home.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer Poultry

The days have been quite long up here in Montana with visible light present until about 10:30.  The chickens have been taking full advantage of their extra daylight and have been happily exploring about.

Speckles and Company, Oil on Canvas   6"x8" 
Speckles and Big Brown prove to be the most personable and curious of my little flock.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Main and the East Side

I have done a bit of exploring of Kalispell's East Side neighborhood during the hot weather as the large elms provided some nice shade.  The spectacular Queen Anne's and other classic style homes all have a personality each their own.  I have also done a few works with main street being the subject.
County Lights, Oil on Canvas   8"x6" 
The lights came on in the lobby of the Flathead County Courthouse as the last light of the day hit the top of the structure.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Going to the Sun: Studio

I took a few days to complete a series of smaller works in the studio based on reference photos taken from the paint out in Glacier Park and specifically from the iconic Going to the Sun Road.  I hope you enjoy them.

Mellow Medicine, Oil on Canvas   6"x8"
The water became calm on Medicine Lake as the day drew to a close.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Edge of Town

From the shores of the Flathead river to the charming Queen Annes on the East side,  Kalispell has charm in every corner.

Foy's Bridge, Oil on Canvas   6"x8" 
This land bridge connects Foy's Lake Rd. to a little island community in the midst of the lake.  The golden light reflected its lovely orange hues off the lakes surface.

Tiny Glacier

These are a collection of very small works inspired by Glacier Park.  Some are plein air, while others were completed in the studio on rainy days.

Backlit Over Glacier, Oil on Canvas   4"x6" 

Lake McDonald is such a tranquil setting and this warm afternoon was no exception.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Glacier Paint Out

These are the 11 painting I completed in plein air during the Glacier Paint out which was put on by the Hockaday Museum in Kalispell.  It was such a great event and an experience of a lifetime.  My goal was to push myself in regards to subject matter, size of works and exploration of the park.  I am so happy with how thing turned out and I hope you enjoy the works.  The Lord was with me during this time.
Braving the Storm, Oil on Canvas   15"x30" 
Contact: Wild Eye Artistry

328 Main St.
Kalispell, MT 59901 
 A kayaker set out on Bowman Lake just as some weather began to roll in.  The sheets of rain falling in the distance was the icing on the cake for this moody scene.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Downtown Kalispell

There are so many charming historic buildings in downtown Kalispell. It still has that quaint village feel which is lost in much of America today.

Hotel Kalispell, Oil on Canvas   9"x12" 
Contact: Wild Eye Artistry

328 Main St.
Kalispell, MT 59901 
406-314-4611I enjoyed painting this little street scene in downtown Kalispell of the historic hotel. Main Street was bustling with activity and all the flowering pots were in full bloom.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Glacier Spring

I have been making the drive up to Glacier Park to familiarize myself with the lay of the land in preparation for the upcoming plein air paint out I will be participating in.  What a magnificent place.  God's creation is truly marvelous.

Avalanche sunbathing, Oil on Canvas   8"x10" 
Contact: Wild Eye Artistry

328 Main St.
Kalispell, MT 59901 
406-314-4611This little painting was completed just before some weather rolled in and cast the park into shadow. I really liked how the sun glinted off the surface of the water.

Monday, May 25, 2015


All manner of greens are present now in Northwest Montana.  From the vivid jade-like grasses to the emerald hillsides, all of which have been a joy to paint.

Almost Home, Oil on Canvas   16"x20" 
The red truck drove across the causeway spanning Echo Lake in the late afternoon with the Swans looming in the distance.  This is one of my larger plein air pieces I've been creating recently.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Some Spring Sunsets

Here are a few quick paintings created at sunset recently  I was surprised at the varying degrees of color from one day to the next.

Foy's Last Light, Oil on Canvas   4"x6" 
Foy's Lake is just outside out Kalispell near lone Pine State Park.  The sun was lit up with wonderful warm colors during this one of a kind sunset.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


The hillsides and valleys are shifting to a wonderful emerald green.  The days are lengthening and weather is ideal. Three painting days are becoming more common for me.

Smith Valley Bales, Oil on Canvas   11"x14" 
The morning light back-lit this scene in smith Valley.  I was drawn to the strong silhouette of the tractor and bales and the soft light on the distant hillsides.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Up To Whitefish

On a glorious spring day, with temps in the low 70's, I headed up to Whitefish to explore the town and scout out a few areas for plein air painting.  I was able to complete 2 studies, from which I may create larger works back in the studio.

MacDonald Reflections, Oil on Canvas   6"x8" 
It was a pristine, crystal clear day in Glacier Park on the shores of Lake MacDonald.  The lake reflected the mountains and sky as a mirror.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Chicken Scratch

I greatly enjoy watching my little flock of chickens forage throughout the yard.  They are always so active and alert and I wanted to do a couple of studies that captured this energy.

Feeding Time, Oil on Canvas   8"x6" 
Contact: Persimmon Gallery
537 Electric Ave.
Bigfork, MT 59911 
406-837-2288The little flock waited patiently for any table scraps I might throw their way.